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Contact us

We are currently servicing the Carthage, IL area and are willing to travel. Please feel free to contact us with any questions, we'll be more than happy to assist you.

About Je Anne:

I have always loved working with computers and cameras growing up, I was either in front or behind the lens. I taught myself how to use basic programs and began designing at a young age. I received my Associates Degree in Graphic Design in 2013 and then began professionally taking photos for friends and family. Today I use a Nikon DSLR with multiple lenses and only use high end editing software such as Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, and Illustrator. I love working with people and being able to help them get the photos they want without paying a fortune for them! Because after things are said and done, pictures will be all you have left.


About Drew:

My interest in audio started when I was around 13 years old. I would play with old speakers and receivers in my room. I would build Frankenstein enclosures and drivers to see what would work and what wouldn’t. I had no concept of ohms law but I was learning and having fun. When I turned 16 I got my license, and like all 16 year olds, I wanted a loud system. By the time I was 20 years old I found myself hanging out with my fellow car audio enthusiasts at Western Electronics in Macomb, IL. My friends at Western Electronics taught me enough about car audio that lead me to competing with them at MECCA car audio competitions. 


As I got older I realized having of a large system in the trunk of my vehicle wasn’t very practical, but I still had the desire for audio. This desire and knowledge that I gained over the past decade led me to what I enjoy doing today, Pro Audio.

Tel: 319-721-0858 - Je Anne

or 319-721-0859 - Andrew


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